Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Old posts....

BLEUGH Carol and Christy
I have seen many bad and terrible things on TV but very few have disturbed me, or shaken me to my core as much as the sight of aging Lothario Christy lounging on the couch in a state of post coital undress. Made worse by Carol's referral to shop counter shenanigans. eugh. I will forever have THAT mental image in my subconscious - so cheers for that Fair City.

Although I am SOOO glad that the writers decided that the time was right for Christy and Carol to finally get it on, as it was DRIVING ME MAD. It just went on and on and on and on... They will they won't - oh wait She's with Farrel, they will they won't..... Well they did, it was gross, its over. PLEASE do not drag this out anymore. 

Another storyline which will not die is this whole Doyle thing. The sheer amount of references to the past hurts my head. Helen is dead a decade at this stage. Was probably not spoken about 2 episodes after her death. Now she's the talk of the town. Makes me wonder whats going on there? Is she going to make a Dirty Den style appearance - cause I swear that would fucking ROCK. While your at it bring back a few other people - like Harry Molloy - that would be pretty cool. He'd leather lemonjaws Delores for all the bible bashing and near priest riding she's been at since his demise.

I am REALLY enjoying the superhero V supervillain way Yvonne and Suzanne talk to each other.
They're like rejects from an action movie. One day I swear Yvonne will revert to the stereotypical Bond bad guy - she'll shave her head and slowly revolve in her seat to meet Suzanne, as a newly shaved Louie sits in her lap. Or even worse..... a freshly shaved Bela!

Oh and I felt as though I should share thsi lovely sexitime shot of Cass giving Malachy a lapdance.
Look at the backround to see a VERY jealous Delores! - Don't mess with her man Cass!

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