Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Old posts....

Remember when Renee used to be married to Christy and live in the shop? And she had beautiful grey hair? Well that place must be like a time warp for her cause her jujji new blonde hair is gone and replaced by they grey - fucking freaky. By the way Renee cleaning the house will not stop Flyods knob rot! AND DO YOUR ROOTS! 

How are they trying to start a romantic storyline between Flyod and the sister again? Hes dying -and dying of cancer of the part that would be very important in any sexy time! Romantic day out on the Dart for them - he?s a narky little fucker - yeah I know he has cancer but if he?s gonna jujj round trying to get the hole off the sister he should make SOME effort! I also love how his penis cancer is making him cough????

Their shite talk is hilarious - Oh Flyod be with me now! Here! In this moment! (I would be outraged about her insisting they have sex on the DART but I?m sure not the first - manys the Anto and Deco were conceived on those tracks!)Its like a sit American sitcom! Only he people are uglier, and talk like there eating shite, and all have knob rot. 

I love Alley and Robin - there fucking hilarious, Ally and her skanger head and Robin and her fake Im posh I am head. 
And what a fugly little downsy basturd that lil Lorkan is!! Ahh - scared the shit outta me!! I swear to fuck if those two don?t get real jibes for each other I?ll scream - what are they doing now only going into busines together!! What the Fuck? Yeah you rode my husband and then when ye were together I rode him back - fancy buying a business together? BUT OF COURSE! - Like Alley would say but of course what she actually says is more of a grunt - yae! I weill! Even doh I hate yae!

Where did Cleo?s 14 year old male skanger voice come outta? And wheres her massive quiff gone? RIP quiff! You will be missed about as much as Delores misses her hole dead family - which is not fucking much!

Can NOT wait for tomorrow and Paul trying to ?seduce? Robin - like that one needs seducing - once Jimmy left she couldn?t get her nickers off and her legs round that egg Paul?s head quick enough!

Warning for men - DO NOT enter Carrigstown - you will get knob rot

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