Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Old posts....

Looks as though Dominic and Tracey and Mike and Geraldine are gonna start there own "keys in the bowl group". Oh yeah there fighting now - but you wait and see its will be all swinging from now on - really hope poor francis doesn't come back during that, don't thik her poor nun head could take it!

Flyod's still being ravaged by knob rot, the poor fecker, and fuck as he taken against Bob, maybe if you had decided to come back once in the 5 years you may have had time to luv him!

Oh and the jibes Robin and Ally have for each other are RAAAAWWWW

Robin: Ah, Ally, I was gonna order Champagne but didn't think that it would be very good quality - Oh and I oredered crisps (Ordered them? You fucking idiot)

Ally: Oh crips? 19 packets was it?


Fecking idiots - a 5 year old could write better - how about Robin your a mental cunt with a pube head and a face like a donkeys hole. Or Ally you have the mannerism of a scanger with an itchy hole and a face like the Bell Doyles rotted penis stump - far better


Poor Flyod has ball cancer (They'd really need to open a medical book on that programme - first Bella, then Ray thought he had it then Mr Piggott died from it - there musn't be one proper knob jujjin round Carrigstown!(except Robin of course)) And he's decided to jujj home and be all shoced that his parents are slightly worried about his decaying cock, superman there is resistant to Chemo - his doctors even said and I quote - Woah! - Very technical exclamation meaning Flyod is a lying basturd who is prob perfectly healthy

And Robin has gone from annoying to FUCKING HORRENDOUSLY ANNOYING!!! Fuck sake did someone get her Mean Girls the dvd for XMass cause she's got all silly tit American these days - all smug looks and "cutting" remarks - fucking idiot, I wish they would just kill her off

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