Well, what a time its been in lives of the habitants of Carrigstown!
Firstly - Fiona of the small mouth has fucked off to someplace in Europe- minus the lovely James money! How will this affecd Paul you ask? Well he's very distressed, as we can see by his day old bum fluff, and of course as a distressed man he couldnt POSSIBLY wear a suit! No its a suitable filty jacket for him!
Romance is blossoming for the psycho Pierce (kjnown from here on out as fat arse lips), who is kinda obsessed with doing a bit of writing, recons he's Shakespear that one! And I really love how the writers of the great soap get it across that people are well sickened with him, they say it quite loudly and beside him, but its ok his back is turned.
Anyway he's mad to ride Heather, leaving his REALLY REALLY trampy massivly quiffed girlfriend well pissed off.
And Keith has finally finished with his tramp girlfriend, about a week after they decided to "build" her character and ,ake her a hairdresser (sorry about this mum, but could you get a trampier profession? Fitting much!)
Elsewhere crooked jaws Suzanne wants to shag Damian, but he's riding that teacher one who's pure weird, her ex boyfriend is even weirdo, I know that FC doesn't usually have the best callibre of actin but with these two there definatly trying to get their quota of timmi's for legal reasons.
him: I want you back...... (cant remember her name)
her: Ahhh, No, good...bye.I.love.damian
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