This piggot shit gets batter and better, FIONA KILLED JAMES! Yeah, wow, the cats arse lipped woman we all know and love is now not only and aldutere, but a MURDERING SKANK! wow, and she's done him outta milllions too, fucking disgrace full behaviour. Not only that but she was never even married to him in the first place, the coniving lil minx hadnt divorced sexy barge owner and dube smoker ex husband whatever his name is. wonder what will happen there. Damian's girlfriend with the greasy hair and hairband luvvin is pissed that he used to ride Susanne, like seriously, they were the only two people near that age for a while in Carrigstown, who were they meant to ride instead? Mags and Charlie? I'd give that Chaz one though - a slap! Then I would inform him that his oap wife was ridin the lovely Sergei, love how they just ended there little owuld be affair as if nothing had ever happened! We all felt that sexual tension, it was unmistakable, electric eve.
And Keiths girlfriend is a tramp
Oh my god Fair City is AMAZING! It turns out that the scruffy dude Fiona is being blackmailed by (she's giving him JEWLEREY, the woman has like 2 million in a company her husband does'nt know about and she hocks his dead wifes jewelery - bitch) is her EX HUSBAND! DUH DUH DUUUUHHH, amazing stuff
Fair City also showed us the evils of smoking the dube las night with there true to life depiction of two middleaged men on a fucking barge getting stoned - WARNING to everybody, if you smoke the dube you will end up livin on a barge with long hair and bad teeth, you heard it there first.
Tragedy in Fair City! Old Mr Piggot is dying a cancer! Its gone sll the way from his lovely throbbing (for Fiona) Penis to his beautiful pancreas. Faced wioth the prospect of a dead husband Fiona is trying to climb back up on Paul again - now it might seem a bit in bad taste, but she's ugly, doesn't know she's up the pole and is Paul doesn;t tide her no one will - stay tuned for more sexual-constipated looks.
Gina had to piss off to England cause her slutty preggers at 5 daughter has fuckin PLURASY! Like could the gorl have gotten in a car crash? Got pneumonia? fell in a hole? no she had to get a fucking boggery old man disease! fucking legend writers
Little dude who's parents died tragically (also known as on the the FUNNIEST ever storylines) realises he's as thick as shit, and has to get grinds so he can be as intelligent as his soon to be gay lover and fellow "fight club" founder. Paul fucks Fiona of the small mouth and speech impediment in his flat and when their not fucking their giving each other a look which is either ive seen you naked or im dying for a shit - Im sure no one really cares which it is cause their both mingers. Robin and Jimmy fiddle with cars while Ray and Keith pretend their not in love with each other, while Ray dreams of one day fondoling Keiths David Beckham earring, and Keiths girlfriend is a tramp.
Well, scaldy eyes rape lover Kylie is GOING BACK TO COUNCELLING! Yippee, life is well again, can't wait till her father starts beaatin her and Tracey round the house! Ha ha Fair City + Domestic Violence = Laugh Out Loud comedy! Deirdre is p the duf dun dun dun! Not that anyone wants to see what kinda child Ken's spunk could conjour up - look at Owen - ewwwwww child gives me the creeps! And where he get that scanger accent outta? PAH-LEA-AZZZ give me tha da. Poor Christies heart is broken again my Bob an Rennay, why cant Bb say Rene's name properly, fucking knob head. Update on Paul fucking Fiona of the small mouth: Lushly lispy Fiona's husband caught willy cancer off Ray! Fucking hell what were they at? And now Paul has to find another small mouth to shag and to give constipated looks to. Lil Lorkan was christened, much to the disaproval of lemon jaws Robin, oh no you didn Jimmy! Adn Keith and his girldfriend are on holiday, and Keiths girlfriend is a tramp