Rachel - Helen
Callum - Jane
Oisin - Niola
Ruth - Yvonne
Paul has 4 children (That we KNOW of.......) from 4 different baby mammas - let's talk about how these things happened
Rachel - well Rachel was the daughter of Paul and his much loved Helen, Bella Doyle's daughter. Helen was at one stage engaged to be married to a man called Mike, but jilted him at the alter for Paul
Mike: You know this means I'm entitled to anal now?
Helen: Ehhhhhhh......
Ruth - SPEAKING of Mike...... Once left by Helen, Mike decided to stay around, and low and behold what did he find? Yvonnes gee!! Yes, only Helen's very own sister!! So on he hopped and off they went. They eventually broke up, and he fucked off. Leaving Yvonne to bone about and tuna bump as she wished. Along her little RIDE along, she had a little peen on vej action with Paul, and VOILA - Ruthie!!! Poor Niamh can't have kids, and found it in her heart to keep Paul's love child as she couldn't have her own.
(Yes, 2 sisters, shared 2 men, and both had kids with 1 of those men)
Paul then tried to press them together like Barbies "KISS. EACH. OTHER"
Oisin - Before Niamh, Paul was married to the utterly shrill, sharp and bony Nicola. They all worked together with Donal in Blue Dolphin, omputer boffins that they are! Now, in Blue Dolphin Paul boned Niamh, and Nicola, THEN Nicola also boned Donal - Blue movie more like - am I right!! While they weren't inserting floppy discs into each other's ports they were 'creating packages' for all of Dublin - forever with the packages...... Anyway, while married to Nicola they produced spawn, called Oisin, the slimy result of which can be seen on our screens now (Oisin, not the spunk slime or anything like that.....)
Young Entrepreneur Oisin tryin to sell his mother
Callum - Out of the blue, along comes Callum. The result of a 1 night stand with Jane years ago. It's the normal route - Girl meets boy, boy impregnates boy, Girl has baby boy, Baby boy grows up and finds Dad, Mother moves to live nearer son, son leaves, mother stays for fuck all reason.............
In Paul's ridey defence - the ONE time he resisted riding, he was accused and blackmailed about it any - suppose it just proves he might as well keep it up (IT, being his penis)
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