But, thankfully lezzer lite has a lesbian friend in Laura. Her mentor lezzer friend is passing on the golden dildo, with kind lesbian thoughts and anecdotes.With major 'I know your a fucking lesbian undertones'. Smiley lesbian fwend. My initial thoughts were 'Ugh, she's a confused lil lesbian, and Laura is being nice to her - OBVIOUSLY she's going to at least try and shift her, if not immediately try and feed the pony'. She, predictably went to shift her. And Laura acted like a little bitch about it. She should have fucking KNOWN. Now she's left poor newbie lesbian feeling like lesbian shite.
I'm not doctor, but Christie didn't have a stroke - it's the weight of his beard pulling down his face. If he took better care of himself his face wouldn't have slumped over like that. The tragic beardslide does seem to have caused irreperable damage and Christie is looking at a good while in hospital, unless he can get someone to take care of him. HURRAY! Sean is mad for Christie to stay with him. That will be great for the youngfellas sex life. Bringing home a girl and Slumpy McPisserson over in a bed in the corner waving for a nappy change. Sean doesn't seem to get much action in the first place so it might actually work out.
Poor Sean didn't realise how many wank socks he'd have to wash once Christie mastered left handed wanking and found pornhub.
The triangle is:
Louise went temporarily deaf, dumb, blind and had a MAJOR dose of anosmia in order to get the horn for Decco.
Then she let Michael in her. Although Michael is still obsessed with Niamh, so it was less of a ride and more of Louise getting in the firing line of one of his cry wanks.
And back she goes to Decco. Cause the allure of a minging criminal tramp is too strong ladies, am I right!?
Jo's pissiness is taking a turn for the horrific. She's always been a miserable cunt, but she's gone mad acting the cunt now. Dermotsch is most likely starting to presume affair over her cuntishness and secretive ways. Fun facts about Dermostch - he sits there actually pouting when he's pissy. As in selfie, teenage girl pouting Also, even though he is shaven he looks like he might be hiding a magician's tash. He should let that shit grow!
Christy only lasted an hour before he shat his pants! Probably for the best. Why the fuck would someone place a commode right at the front door so everyone could see the capper going for a shite as soon as they came in the door? I know Ama is a ness, but even she wouldn't want to see that.