Friday, 18 April 2014

NOTHING worse than texting in the dark

Bob and Judith are now living together. They have been going out about 5 minutes. And Tommy is going crazy now that he knows he's not getting her back. These two things lead me to the conclusion she has a golden vagina. Clearly Dr. Dillon has been doing her kegles. Tommy's descent into madness is centred around creepily texting and ringing her from a dark room.

Two weeks ago Orla found out she was pregnant. That she was 5 months pregnant. One of those 'I didn't know I was pregnant' ones where she had no symptoms, or bump nathin. Except as soon as she found out she became the most pregnant of pregnant women ever. HUGE bump, fully waddling and complaining about the pain of kicking. What did she think the kicking was before? A particularly active shite? LITTLE bit complicated in the fact that Wayne is not the father, poor Wayne is shooting blanks. Unlike Tommy Dillon who is the actually baby daddy. But he's too busy texting and wanking in the dark room to notice.

Mondo's girlfriend is about 50. You can trowel on as much makeup as you want, but she is. And Mondo has fucked off but they have decided to keep her in it. She is the most vapid tool I have come across in a long time on FC, which is saying a LOT, so I have no idea why they decided to keep her. And they have made her mates with Ama, another fucking waste of time. Ama is worse than Kerri-Anne. All she does is meet people in the street, and give heavily accented advice. Nothing else. Oh, and talk about being a nurse. Hopefully the pair of them will start lezzin out and make it a bit more interesting.

Niamh's one night stand working for Paul. The infamous youngfella of the Lighting her up like a Christmas Tree fame has decided to pack in his high flying job in the hospitality industry for the bright lights of Paul's garage.

For Storylines.....

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