Friday, 24 May 2013

Sound effects, kidnappings and eggs

Jo loves making noises. Fucking loves it. I shudder to think what she sounds like riding cause just walking around doing her normal business she squeaks, squeals and moans like she's auditioning for When Harry Met Sally. I presume in bed she sounds like Larvelle Jones from Police Academy.

20 seconds in is the sound she makes when Dermotsch comes, presumably on her back

That Charlotte learned the ways of the skank pretty early. She's pretty young to be using her vagina to gain affection? The way to a man's heart is through your vagina right? Nope - that's the way to he penis. Which she did get. Romantic way to lose your virginity - in your brothers robbery shed with a lad who you basically have to beg to ride ya. Poor bitch will learn. Wonder will they make her a hooker now or later. Cause you know it's on the cards.

The object of her affections, Paul's son Callum, couldn't give a fuck. Well, he could give a fuck, that's how she lost her v card in the robbery shed. But he doesn't like her. And I'd say he's only ripping he ever threw it in her now that her father is after him. Wonder did Paddy Bishop know that the same place he brought Callum for his little kidnapping was where his little girl sat on her first dick?

I have to say - the little kidnapping was a little bit terrifying. Poor Callum tied up, Paddy at his feet with a hammer and a chisel on his toes. Fucking freaked me out. Ughhhhhhh, hammering his toes off with a chisel, fucking horrific.

And lastly :

Does Niamh EVER smile? Cheer up cunthooks, and maybe eat a salad......

Will Caoimhe EVER find a hairbrush?

And doesn't Paul's head look EXACTLY like an egg?

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