Last night's Fair City was the best I have seen in years. I think it was the exquisite acting and passion from the Bishop family. Their great acting skills and interesting story lines have been rewarded, with not one but TWO brand spanking new clan members.
Let's meet them shall we?
First is Sash
Sash has a penchant for daytime pajamas and trying to knife family members while screaming "DO ya wayant to keep yer beedin eye-ezz". The inhabitants of Carrigstown have already branded her as a skanger, yet I can't see why. Orange tan, pajamas, big earrings and detol beached hair? I think she's only stunning. Penney's will be INUNDATED with requests for the lastest daywear pajamas. Be on the look out for extra dark fake tan and knockoff uggs to complete this look
Last, but NOT least is Baz
Such a sexy man beast has not graced our screens in years. From his flowing salt n pepper mane all the way down to his shabby chic threads - Baz is ALL man. His voice is the voice of a sex symbol - a 60 Johnny Blue a day sex symbol. His face is that of an Adonis, in the Charlie Sheen sense. Oh, and watch out girls - he's a bad 'un. Drinking cans on the street and supplying ladiezz with drugs, Baz is one to watch (obviously while furiously masterbating)
The Bishop's are really taking the lions share of the story lines these days, and even the other FC dwellers are gravitating around their sexy family. Even bucket brain Robert has noticed the presence of new, hot to TROTT Sash. You know how Rainman had a thing for numbers? Well, Robert's autism manifests itself in raging horns for skangers. It remains to be seen if his actually IS a skanger whisperer, and can manage to upgrade from part-time skanger and full time quiff grower Cleo, but I have a feeling he will soon be awkwardly asking her for the ride. I bet he's GREAT in the sack. I can imagine him folding up his underwear, ironing the condoms, then jerkily humping in that full full body rigor mortis position that REALLY get's us girls in the mood.....
Also - NICKNAME ALERT, NICKNAME ALERT. We should now be referring to Charlotte 'Leukey' Bishop as Charlie. We heard this name repeated about 7 times in one episode, so it's set in fricken stone now. I still want to call her Leukey till she gets rid of those horrendous wigs. Anyway her friendship with Rachel Brennan is getting stronger by the day. I have over the last couple years made assumptions about Rachel that have not come true (i.e wearing Chaz's grandson as a hat etc) but I still stand firm - this kid is going to go BAD. I think maybe the Bishops MAY just be the people to help this change happen. Maybe not so far as to actually GIVE her v'card to the Bishops - but I'm hoping on her receiving one of these........ right in the baby maker :o